вторник, 12 января 2010 г.

Big cover from Slovenia

On the 8-th of December after 16 days of travelling (well it's not 23 like it was last time) I got this amazing cover from Slovenia. I was waiting for the English version of the Slovenian Post page to appear but it's still only on Slovenian, so I'll try to descibe them using the similarity of slavic languages.

Ok, the first stamp is devoted to the 10-th anniversary of using Euro as the currency of many countries in the EU. The number of them is growing every year. It's very difficult to estimate this event unambiguously for it should have negative and positive aspects, but I belive that the positive aspects are prevailed for at least it makes people life easy in the way of having the same currency in many countries. So you don't have to exchange your money everytime you are in another country, waisting your time and money!

The stamp with the man and a horse is from the series "means of conveyance". In 2008 it was devoted to a sleigh. The stamp is called "A sleigh for goods transportation" and is oriented to show us the tradion of a sleigh use in Slovenia.

I didn't find any concrete information about these low value (0.12 € and 0.13 €) stamps for it wasn't possible to allocate the year of issue (it's not 2008 neither 2009). As I understood, all of them are from the "Red cross" series; the 0.12 € stamp is devoted to the week of solidarity - 1-7 of November 2008 and the 0.13€ is devoted to the idea of Red cross organization's creation which was occured in the 1859.

And of course, there is the other addition to my Euro cept collection! There are 2 stamps devoted to this series. This one is devoted to the 50-th anniversary of the "Golovec" observatorium opemimg.

Thank you very much, Kristijan for that cover!   

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