On the 10 of December after 13 days of travelling I got this cover from Spain. It's devoted to the civil values such as fight against climate change, the idea "Plant for the planet', reconcillation of work and family life. I consider them to be rather important topic for our everyday life! Following them will really help to make our life easy and comfortable and our Earth - better place to live. I also should notice the original ideas of the stamps! They are really amazing! Thank you very much, David!
"¿Tú no?"
The idea for the Plant for the Planet was inspired by Professor Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate for 2004 and organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The objective is to plant at least one thousand million trees worldwide each year. In Spain, the campaign has had a very positive reception and 25 million trees have already been planted in one year and 100 million more are to be planted in the following years. Many big companies collaborate in this campaign amongst which is Correos, who gives part of the sales from the eco-friendly packing boxes to the foundation “Forests of the Earth”.
The fight against climate change is one of the challenges that faces mankind and the United Nations has made an appeal to us all to change our consumer habits and reduce the CO2 footprint. The European Union is one of the international organizations committed with the environment and has implemented obligations to the member states to control green house emissions and reach the following objectives: use less polluting energy sources, use alternative means of transport, make companies responsible for an efficient use of energy and their CO2 emission without jeopardizing their competitiveness, place town planning and agriculture at the service of the environment and create favourable conditions for research and innovation.
"Conciliación Vida Laboral"
To make possible reconciliation of work and family life, fighting discrimination between working men and women and help both partners fulfil their household obligations is a main objective. The new legislation acknowledges a flexible working schedule as well as maternity, paternity leaves and time off to look after one’s family. Equal opportunities for parents and the co-participation in childcare from the moment of childbirth is now becoming a reality.
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