Nuclearelectrica is an active member of the specialized international organizations, as WANO-Atlanta Center (World Association of Nuclear Operators), COG (The CANDU Owners Group), World Nuclear Association (WNA) as well as Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
The Company has developed efficient long time partnerships inside the AIEAEuropean programs of regional cooperation and it is also a member of FORATOM Group.
Today the science people and the economic and industrial agents from all over the world are concerned to contribute to solving – in the best interest of each nation and also of the entire humanity – the problem of safety guarantee in power supplying, with a minimum impact on the environment and with a low cost.
Considering this world context, the nuclear energy prefigures to be an essential element of the energetic mix which will guarantee the present and future demands of the humanity for power.
The art of pottery is one of the oldest in the world.
Even since ancient times, it has epitomized all the things related to the spiritual life.
Along the years, the art of pottery has developed itself in the societies which had a sacred image of the world and has been transmitted from generation to generation for thousands of years.
In Romania, the art of pottery dates from around VI millenium B.C.
Through their shape, size, decorative designs and chromatics, the pitchers express the potter´s technical resourcefulness and their inspiration, as they have adjusted the Greek-Roman influences and, later on, those of the migratory populations, maintaining nevertheless the specific features of the Romanian cultural space.
The used symbols are the solar ones, as the head of the ram or the winged horse, while the snake is portrayed as a spiral, this shape being the symbol of cosmical positive evolution.
The pots have accompanied the human communities along the milleniums and they have always been part of all the spiritual manifestations specific to the Romanian people.
Pottery represents, on the whole, through its shapes and symbols, an openning and a spiritual invitation towards the mystical spheres of the ancestral culture.
The stamp with face value of RON 0.30 represents ceramics items from Leheceni, Bihor.
On the 27-th of February after 9 days of travelling I recieved this cover on the envelope with a card via postcrossing project. I found very informative and nice descriptions of the stamps on romanian philatelic site.
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