On the 11-th of April after just 8 days of travelling I recieved this package with a big amounf of just amazing stamps! Unfortunately it was damaged enough during the travelling and was cover with rape, but I managed to safety come off it. Well, moving to the stamps, I really like these gastronomy ones. Don't the dishes look like tasty? Another Europa stamp for my collection! And The Olympiad stamps! The things which I really like! And the last stamp to mention - a dark one in the left coner, devoted to the 1-st WW. Nowaday we pay a great attention to the SWW which is justified, but we can't forget the first tragedy which results were really unfair and was one of the cause of the next greatest tragedy in the human history. That's a really useful stamp! Thank you so so much, Kristijan!The term First World War indicates the military battle in the years 1914 until 1918. Although the majority of battles was conducted on the European ground, the conflict gained the label of a world war, since countries from all over the world were involved. The main players on the side of the entente were France, Russia, Serbia and United Kingdom, since 1915 also Italy, and since 1917 the Unites States of America. Germany, Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Turkey (Ottoman Empire) and Bulgaria fought on the side of the central forces. The reason for the war was a very fragile balance between the forces in Europe. Especially Germany demanded a new division of colonies; France wanted a revenge for the previous wars, while Italy wanted to expand its territory. Since 1882, Italy had been a member of the central forces; however, it changed its mind later due to a better offer of the entente.
The cause for the war was the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy heir to the throne, Franz Ferdinand, who was executed on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, member of the organisation Mlada Bosna. A month later, Austro-Hungarian monarchy declared war to the Kingdom of Serbia and tsarist Russia, which represents the beginning of the First World War.
The European battleground was divided to various fronts. The front line of Soča, between Italy and Austro-Hungarian monarchy, spread across the Slovenian national territory from Rombon to the Bay of Trieste, in the total length of 90 km. It was the stage of the biggest battle in mountain areas in the entire history of mankind, and due to an extremely rough terrain, one of the hardest battles in the world war. More than 300.000 soldiers of various nationalities fell from June 1915 to October 1917, among them also high numbers of Slovenes.
A characteristic of the First World War was the so-called position war, where the soldiers stayed a long time in the area along the front lines. They lived in trenches, pits and caverns enclosed with wire fence, which the designer used for a motive on the stamp. Although battles in some fronts finished already in an earlier stage, and truces between individual countries were signed, the First World War finished with the Truce Agreement between Germany and entente on the 11 November 1918 in Rethondes, around 65 km north-east from Paris.
Gastronomic characteristics of Zgornja Savinjska dolina Zgornjesavinjski želodec, ubrnjenik, solčavski sirnek
Zgornja Savinjska dolina is a gastronomically distinguishable with a variety of dishes, which co-shape the cultural heritage and modern nutrition in this part of Slovenia. The first place among these dishes is occupied by the zgornjesavinjski želodec, a remarkable dry-meat product with an extremely long tradition. It had a strong ceremonial importance during the time of Eastern, when the maturity of this product was at the level, which enabled the determination whether the procedure of production, ripening and drying had been correct. Even on weddings the guests waited with anticipation to receive slices of »želodec«. The circle of lovers of this extremely high quality meat product has spread through the development of tourism in this part of Slovenia since the second half of the 19th century. Even the English king George VI. was among the enthusiasts of zgornjesavinjski želodec; namely, he tried it in Plesnik in Logarska dolina. Nowadays, the »želodec« is a protected food with a »recognized geographical mark«, while its quality is to an important extent co-shaped by the annual competition in Rečica ob Savinji.
An important specialty of the culinary heritage of Zgornja Savinjska dolina is also ubrnjenik (also referred to as »ubrnjenk, obrnek, obrnenk«), which is a filling warm or cold mealy dish in the form of a dumpling, made of roasted wheat, buckwheat or corn flour, poured over by salted boiling milk, in which they stir whipped cream and butter or buttermilk. A special local preparation of ubrnjenik is known in Luče. The dish is appropriate for breakfast or as a snack, while in the past the dumplings of ubrnjenik were wrapped in fresh horse radish leaves, in order to be taken as a snack to the work in the woods, pastures or fields.
Solčavski sirnek is one of the preserved dishes, connected to a century-long tradition of shepherd and cheese maker's tradition. In the modern nutrition, this spicy cheese serves perfectly as a spread on black bread, while being used also for the preparation of cream soups or »sirnice«; primarily, it presents an obligatory supplement to the slices of zgornjesavinjski želodec, meat and salami. Modern production of sirnek deviates a little from the old methods. Cheese or curd ripens from three to four months, while some producers also add cumin, walnuts, spices and herbs.
XXIX. Summer Olympic Games Peking 2008
Top sports athletes will again gather this year at the most prestigious sporting event, which has been organized every four years since 1896 with the exception of the period between the two world wars. Olympic Games of the modern age were prepared on the initiative of Pierre de Coubertin, based on the model of the Olympic Games which were organized in the antique Greece from 776 B.C. to 394 A.D. In 1924, the winter sports were included among the Olympic sports and the first special winter Olympic Games were arranged.
Slovenian athletes participated on the Olympic Games the first time in Stockholm in 1912. Since then, Slovenian athletes have participated in all summer games with the exception of the 10th Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1932. This also further confirms the long-lasting tradition of Slovenian top-level sport. Slovenian athletes first took part within the frame of Yugoslavia, while after 1992, when the 16th Winter Olympic Games in Albertville and the 25th Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona were held, Slovenian athletes have been competing under the Slovenian flag.
Many Slovenian athletes will compete in this year's XXIX Olympic Games, which will be held in China for the first time. During the preparation of this publication their number was not final yet, since many athletes still had a chance to qualify until the 30th June 2008; however, they had to fulfil certain conditions, set by the international and Slovenian Olympic Committee. For the appearance on the Olympic Games there were 59 candidates in 12 disciplines: athletics, badminton, sailing, judo, kayak and canoe on still and wild waters, road and mountain cycling, swimming, shooting, and rowing.
The designer symbolically depicted on the stamps the combat sports and sailing; two disciplines, in which the Slovenian athletes won medals in the previous Olympic games. The stamps contain an inscription in Chinese: OLYMPIC (red stamp) SPIRIT (blue stamp); the vignettes include beside the Olympic circles and the OKS sign also the official symbol of the Olympic Games in Peking.
Rococo (the green stamp in the right corner)
Rococo was the last historical-art style to develop in 18th century Europe. In part, it signifies the continuation and conclusion of the Baroque period, although in many places Rococo appears simultaneously with Baroque. The word Rococo is seen as a combination of the French word rocaille, or a shell, and the expression “barocco”. Some critics used this term to imply that the style was frivolous or unserious. It is interested that the term was first used in English in about 1836; it was a colloquialism meaning “old-fashioned”. However, since the mid 19th century, the term has been accepted by art historians.
While it was still some debate about the historical significance of Rococo, it is now recognized as a major period in the development of European art.
Rococo developed at first in a decorative art. Lighter elements and graceful nature motifs with many shell forms and natural patterns are characteristic of Rococo. It expressed itself at most in the interior equipment of residences and apartments with bathrooms and small salons that have a lot of furniture with intarsia, decorated with stuccowork, tapestry, porcelain vessels, with small sculptures and mirrors with ornaments. Painting and sculpture became lighter content without a subordination of religious motifs, which is why Rococo was more popular than Baroque in some parts of Europe.
The stamp's motif is from the Gruber Palace, which is of the Late Baroque style. It was began in 1773, by the Jesuit and architect Gabriel Gruber; the palace was subsequently named after him. Sinewy pendants, wreaths on the windows and a portal, show signs of Rococo. The Palace currently houses the National Archive of Slovenia.
Thanks the
Slovenian post page for nice descriptions!