At the same time I got the previous cover, I got this amazing FDC. This time it's Euro cept 2010. I'm a huge fun of this series so it was a very special FDC for me!
Thank you very much, Kristijan!
This is the place for my favourite stamps and covers. This is a way for me to express my interest in the events which take or took place in the world. I hope that other people reading my blog will learn more about other countries and also about Russia.
On the 10-th of October just after 3(!!!) days of traveling (still can't believe it!) I got this nice package from Slovenia.
There are 2 sets of stamps: first is devoted to the World Football Championship which took place in the South Africa this summer and the second one is devoted to the World Basketball Championship. I'm not a big fun of these kinds of sports, so I can't tell a lot about them but I still think that they were very important worldwide events which with no doubt deserve to be devoted to!
And the other stamp is from Euro cept series 2009. I lost this stamp, so Kristjan kindly sent me another one.
Thank you very much, Kristijan!
Now let me tell you about this nice cover from Brazil which I got this spring.
There are 2 nice stamps which I wanted to get. First is devoted to Louis Braille - the inventor of the graphics for blind people. I've already written about this kind of stamps and have them in my collection, but I'm still glad to receive such stamps! The other stamps celebrate the first flight of a Brazilian man (Cel. Marcos Pontes) to space in a Soyuz rocket with the Spacial Russian Agency.
Thank you very much, Ricardo!
On the 14-th of August after 20 days of traveling I got this amazing FDC from Poland. It was devoted to the 600-th anniversary of the Grünewald Battle. This historic events took place on the 14-th of July 1410 in Germany and was a fight between the Order of crusaders under the leadership of Ulrich von Jungingen and the united troops of several East European peoples: Polish, Lithuanians, Russians and Czech under the leadership of Władysław II Jagiełła.
On the stamp you can see the picture of J. Matejko "Bitwa pod Grunwaldem" (The Grünewald Battle) painted in 1878 and which is located in the Polish National Museum - Warsaw.
Thank you very much, Andrzej!\
On the 1-st of June after 10 days of traveling I got this beautiful cover with souvenir sheet from Poland. It celebrates the International Philatelic Exhibition "Portugal 2010". I myself have never taken part in such events, but I do hope I will one time since I consider them a very important event which help people, which are interested in philately to get to know each other, to communicate and to find out new interesting things!
Thank you, Andrzej!
On the 10-th of June after 34 days of traveling I got this cover from Croatia. The stamps are devoted to the anniversaries of several things such as: 1) Franciscan church 2)FRANCISCAN ORDER 3) St. MARTIN’S HERMIT CHAPEL.
You can find more information about this events on the official page of the Croatian post. The page is just amazing - it provides us a lot information on the tamps! Here it is:
Thank you very much, Josip!